More than half of the holy month of Ramadan has passed, the month of goodness and benevolence,

Many teachers in northern Syria are still without support, and they struggle to provide education for children despite the difficult conditions they suffer from.

As they continue to work so hard, they need our support now more than ever,

Come join our campaign and contribute your donation to help teachers provide education for children in Syria.

For a bright future.. #Contribute with us so that #Syrian children return to their schools and complete their education.. #Education is the field of all children #Be with us to be with them.

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Your Donation
Personal Info

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

  1. Write a check payable to "knowledge"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "knowledge"
  3. Mail your check to:

Association name : WISSEN OHNE GRENZEN E.V.

Account details

Iban : DE07 4305 0001 0033 4349 94

Swift code : WELADED1BOC

Bank name : Sparkasse Bochum

Bank address : Sparkasse Bochum

Postfach 102469  ,44724 Bochum



Donation Total: €100,00


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